Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance


Republican Fumigation Group

Federal State Enterprise

About the company

Fumigation group was created in 1962 by Plants Quarantine State Inspection of the Ministry of Agriculture of USSR and later renamed into Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Republican Fumigation Group” by the order No 735 of May 14, 2003 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. By virtue of the government resolution of the Russian Federation 1592-r of 26 July 2016 its legal form of organization changed into Federal State Enterprise “Republican Fumigation group”.

Being a part of Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, FSE “Republican Fumigation group” together with other plants quarantine subdivisions form a unified federal centralized system of government bodies, providing services of plants quarantine.

The main function of FSE “Republican Fumigation group” is disinsection of objects of any designated use, buildings, constructions, reservoirs, warehousing facilities, silo facilities, equipment, transport means, containers, all kinds of quarantined products (quarantined materials and cargoes) and other objects, that may be a source of expansion of pests, harmful for stored production, and quarantine objects.

About the company (download)