Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance
This International Standard establishes the terms and definitions of concepts applicable to plant protection used in science, technology and industry.
The terms established by the standard are mandatory for use in documentation of all kinds, scientific and technical, educational and reference literature.
The standard fully complies with ST COMECON 1740-79. There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of synonymous terms of a standardized term is prohibited.
Inappropriate synonymous terms are given in the standard as reference and are designated "NDP". For certain standardized terms, the standard provides as reference short forms that are allowed to be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretation. The established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, not allowing the violation of the boundaries of concepts.
The standard provides foreign equivalents of standardized terms in English (E), German (D) and French (F) as references. The standard has a reference annex containing terms and definitions of the general biological concepts used in the standard.