Railway cars fumigation
Quarantined products in railway cars, exported or imported to the territory of the Russian Federation, are subject to mandatory procedures, aimed at the prevention of import and export of pest contaminated goods.
Fumigation of quarantined products in railway cars may be performed during the shipment of dry bulk goods, as well as inside loaded cars. Hermeticity of cars influences the efficiency of fumigation. Fumigation process is quite longsome and may take 1 or more days.
Keeping fumigant concentration at the same level is also very important. Providing temperature of the outside air above 15°C and humidity level as necessary according to the correspondent regulations for such procedures is also of great importance.
Decision on the choice of an active agent is made based on particular conditions and type of the products to be fumigated.
Federal state Enterprise “Republican Fumigation Group” has a comprehensive expertise in performing disinfection works on quarantined products in railway cars and containers.