Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance


Republican Fumigation Group

Federal State Enterprise

Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated 29.08.2008 № 414

Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated 29.08.2008 № 414 "Organization of disinfection works at quarantined objects by fumigation, and degassing works” (together with “The order of organization of disinfection works at quarantined objects by fumigation, and their degassing") (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 30.09.2008 N 12361).

The order of organization of disinfection works at quarantined objects by fumigation, and their degassing:

3. Disinfection works at quarantined objects by fumigation, and their degassing are carried out at the expense of their owners, users, receivers or carriers (further in the text – owners of quarantined objects) on a contract basis with legal persons and individual entrepreneurs, meeting the requirements, stated by the Order (further in the text – provider).
Disinfection works at quarantined objects by fumigation, and their degassing within the framework of import-export relations are carried out by legal persons under the jurisdiction of the RSVPS.
(version of the Order of the Ministry of Russian Agriculture of 18.05.2012 N 288).

Работы по обеззараживанию подкарантинных объектов методом газации и работ по их дегазации при экспортно-импортных отношениях осуществляются юридическими лицами, находящимися в ведении Россельхознадзора.
(в ред. Приказа Минсельхоза России от 18.05.2012 N 288)

4. Quarantined products are subject to disinfection by fumigation when being imported to the territory of the Russian Federation at checkpoints at the border of the Russian Federation or in destination places in the following cases:

4.1. in case of detection in quarantined goods (quarantined material, quarantined cargo) quarantine plant according to the list of Quarantine objects (plants pests, plants pathogenic agents and weeds), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of 26 December 2007 N 673 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 17 January 2008 N 10903, Bulletin of Federal Agency Regulations, 2008, N 6), as well as harmful organisms, absent on the territory of the Russian Federation;