Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance


Republican Fumigation Group

Federal State Enterprise

International Terminology for Plant Quarantine

  • Pest of list A1 (for the area (zone)) Al Pest (of an area) Organisme Al (pour une zone) Quarantine pest that is absent in this area (zone) (KEFM, 1996)
  • A2 Pest (for an area)0 Organisme A2 (pour une zone) A quarantine pest present in a given area but not widespread and subject to official control (KEFM, 1996)
  • Supplementary declaration A d d i t i o n a declaration Declaration supplementaire Statement required by an importing Party for inclusion in a phytosanitary certificate providing additional information on phytosanitary conditions associated with cargo (FAO, 1990)
  • Area Zone Officially defined country, part of a country or part of several countries (FAO, 1990; revised by AGREEMENT SPS1 GATT,2 FAO 1995)
  • Area endangered (or Endangered area) Zone menacce
  • Area (zone) in which economic factors favor the acclimatization of a pest whose presence in a given area (zone) leads to significant economic losses (FAO, 1995) Buffer zone Zone tampon
  • Area (area) in which the pest is absent or is the object of official control, surrounding the infected area (zone) or adjacent to it or to the free area (zone) in which phytosanitary measures are taken to prevent the spread of the organism (KEFM, 1996)